Expenses Policy
Effective 1 April 2020 (replacing October 2013 policy)
The overriding principle of the Essex AA Expense Policy is that individuals (athletes and officials) should neither profit nor suffer financial loss as a result of performing an authorised role on behalf of Essex AAA at events outside the county.
General Principles
Individuals must provide a valid receipt when claiming all expenses (with the exception of mileage and telephone claims). Failure to provide a receipt may result in the reimbursement being denied.
Individuals must claim expenses within a reasonable time frame. Any expenses not claimed within 2 months of being incurred may result in the reimbursement being denied. At year end (30 September), to facilitate finalisation of the accounts in time for the Annual AGM in December, all expenses should be submitted by 10 October at the latest.
Individuals must complete the attached claim template when seeking reimbursement and send it, together with all relevant receipts, to the County Treasurer. All claims will be considered within 2 weeks of receipt.
In the event of any claim being requested outside the specific expense guidelines below the County Treasurer may outline the claim at the next County committee meeting. The committee will decide on whether or not to reimburse the expense. The committee’s decision will be final.
Athlete Expense Guidelines
No expenses will be reimbursed to either young athletes or their families incurred whilst representing the county.
Senior athletes are entitled to a contribution towards expenses of up to the following amounts as follows:
Nationals – £25
Southerns – £20
Easterns – £15
The committee have the ability to amend the above contribution levels as agreed upon dependent on location of events. The above are intended to represent a contribution and not full reimbursement.
Where athletes need to travel the night before the event (expected only to occur where the event is >150 miles away and the athlete needs to be at the event early in the morning), then the county will contribute an additional £50 towards overnight accommodation upon receipt of a valid receipt.
The above applies equally to track & field, road, XC, fell and race walking athletes.
Officals Expense Guidelines
Postage – Only second class postage should be used on county business. First class postage, special delivery, courier costs are not considered necessary (with the exception of the use of recorded delivery for the posting of entry fees) ;
Stationery Costs – all reasonable stationery costs are allowable expenses;
Train Fares – Standard class travel only (First Class travel will not be reimbursed). Please consider booking early and using restricted tickets;
Petrol – the cost of using a personal car on authorised county activities will be reimbursed at a mileage rate of 30 pence per mile;
Parking/Tolls – all reasonable parking and toll costs are allowable expenses;
Accommodation –
Accommodation is an allowable expense for team managers/officials where it is necessary to stay overnight the night before an event outside the county. An example of a circumstance where accommodation would be considered necessary is where a team manager needs to be present at an event early the following morning and the venue is > 150 miles away.
The maximum reimbursement per night is £100.
Accommodation should be booked in “low cost” providers where possible (Premier Inn, Travel Lodge etc);
Where accommodation is pre-approved, reasonable breakfast costs are also allowable (up to a maximum of £10 per breakfast)
Where accommodation is pre-approved, reasonable evening meal costs are also allowable (up to a maximum of £25 per dinner).
Alcohol costs are never reimbursed.
Telephone charges – all reasonable telephone charges are allowable expense;
Other expenses – other misc expenses below £20 incurred whilst on county business are allowable if necessary to perform the role for the County. Any expense above £20 must be pre-approved by the County Treasurer.
County Treasurer Contact Details:
Gary Chandler,
Moulsham Street,
Email: essexaatreasurer@hotmail.com